Laneway Lighting

'Solaris', a light artwork by Joshua Webb, is Historic Heart of Perth Inc's latest contribution to the revitalisation of Perth's east end. If you haven't seen it already, it's located at 572 Hay Street, directly opposite the City of Perth Library.

Why light laneways?
At a Historic Heart community action workshop held in March 2019, local residents, small business owners and people working in the area noted that parts of the neighbourhood can feel unsafe after dark - due to the emptying of the city after work hours, along with a lack of well lit spaces which create nooks for antisocial behaviour.

Students at a Historic Heart "Hackathon" event organised by Curtin University in December 2018 had made similar observations - noting that while Perth's east end is home to a growing number of bars and restaurants, there were still stretches of poorly lit space. 

While the installation of basic security lighting can impact on safety, it does not create a sense of delight. Through the installation of light artwork, Historic Heart hopes to create both a sense of delight and a safer, more walkable neighbourhood for everyone. 
