Department of Planning Workshop Day

In February 2017 David MacLennan (Assistant Director General for the Department of Planning, Land and Heritage) held the annual workshop day for his team at the historic Kirkman House in Perth's east end. The subject of this year’s workshop was the Historic Heart Project.

The workshop commenced with a presentation by Adrian Fini to over 100 staff members from the Department of Planning. Adrian provided an overview of the Historic Heart Project, its objectives and vision. Following Adrian’s briefing, David’s staff were asked to develop designs for enhancing or redeveloping Ainslie House in accordance with the objectives of Historic Heart Project. The workshop group included planners, policy officers, urban designers, architects, project managers, environmental managers, demographers, economists, administrative and GIS staff. A report was prepared which summarised the outcomes.

Ainslie House is one of the Royal Perth Hospital buildings located on the eastern end of Murray St, sitting alongside a group of much older historic hospital buildings. The building was opened in 1966 for use as quarters for resident medical doctors. It is now used for several of RPH’s outpatient clinics. The building is part of a heritage precinct listed on the State Heritage Register.

Photo Adrian Fini, Sharni Howe, Liz Macleod, Gail Mc Gowan and Sandy Anghie.

Historic Heart Department of Planning